About Us

As a subsidiary of TaskHall, we are an online marketplace for private use. If you are wanting to access the public marketplace, please go to www.taskhall.com.

As a part of our social efforts, we are also including the ability to support those to whom may have challenges in getting assistance with real-world challenges..

And while the bulk of what we are working on may not yet be visible, it may soon become available, provided you are able to provide the feedback, constructive criticism and more in order for us to better assist you. With you, we believe that we will be able to better design, create and provide the products and services that you are in need of. And if you are not in need of them, perhaps there is someone who could benefit from our offerings.

Over time, especially during the pandemic, people have been challenged with both homelessness and food scarcity. If a person were to compound this with the need for monies to help sustain their life, this could have an effect on both their health and well-being.

That is why myTaskHall was created. myTaskHall has been created to serve as a bridge to connect those with the resources that are so desperately needed in our world. There are those in our society to whom have been challenged with a need for suitable living spaces, the ability to work, as well as being able to find adequate healthcare.

And we aim to help bridge those resources to those in need.

As we continue on this journey, please feel free to reach out to us and let us know what we could do to be better. What are services that we may need to connect and provide to make the experience better? How may we better serve you?

Register as a Vendor, click here.

To log into your account, click here.

If you need our services integrated into your website, contact us so that we may do that.