
Welcome to myTaskHall! Join us here to learn and connect with others in a ‘Private Marketplace’ for you and by you! In myTaskHall, it’s all about connecting, crypto and community!

While we do our best to better serve you, please know that the content and related herein does not necessarily represent the views, ideas and beliefs of myTaskHall, affiliates and associates.

  • Please be cautious with your ETH and money.
  • We at myTaskHall, and its affiliates, are not responsible for your actions using this service, as it is completely forbidden to use this website to harm or harm anyone in any way.
  • The services we provide have been developed following high standards for code use and quality, as well as security. The code we use has been tested and audited by our team and the community. To be careful with your money, if you intend to do an actual, real project, we ask that you test the contracts in Testnets and do a proper quality assurance test tailored to your specs.
  • myTaskHall has no liability resulting from the use of this software in the case of any and all interruptions, malfunction, downtime, loss or damages of any kind.
  • Also, myTaskHall can be considered to be used in part for educational purposes..
  • Using this website and its resources implies that you are complying with the regulations in both the region you are in as well as the area to which you may working with/doing business..

Though we will do our best to provide you with information and perspective for matters related to the crypto world, we make no guarantee of the efficacy of this content, post, links or otherwise. Of course, we will, to the best of our ability, vet and discern the reasoning and data related to the forthcoming work yet to be seen…

And if there is anything that you feel to share, provide and/or express, please, let us know.

Thanks for your time and have a great day!